Jula Holding – sustainable, responsible, long-term, profitable
Follow along on the expansive journey of Jula Holding
Jula Holding is a family-owned group in retail, real estate, logistics, hotels and environment & energy.
The Jula Holding Group develops investments, administrations and ownerships with a view to the effective acquisition, start-up and development of new and existing businesses. Synergies and added value are of central importance for Jula Holding. It is essential that the business activities of the group should benefit each other and develop together.
The head office is in Skara, Sweden. The group has around 4500 employees and in 2023 a turnover of SEK 10.5 billion.
The group sprang up out of Jula, which was founded in 1979. The owner Karl-Johan Blank has been involved from the start and has built up the business.
7 companies
The group consists of seven companies: Jula, Hööks, Jula Logistics, G&K Blanks Fastigheter, Jula Energi & Miljö, Jula Hotell and Jula Retail Logistics.
4500 employees
The group creates lots of job opportunities in retail, warehousing, logistics, administration, marketing and IT.
10.5 billion
The group had a turnover of SEK 10.5 billon in 2023.
7 countries
The group operates today in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Finland, Austria and China.
650,000 square metres
The group has a total property holding of over 650,000 square metres.
From small farm shop to large group
This is the story of a company that began its journey on a small farm in Västergötland in the late 1970s and is today one of Sweden's largest privately owned groups.